Tired Woman in Bed Scrolling Through Smartphone

Exhausted young woman lying in bed, preoccupied with her smartphone, a sign of digital overload.

$ 1.00 USD
$ 50.00 USD
Resolution Icon - Stock X Webflow Template
10752 × 7168
Size Icon - Stock X Webflow Template
37.6 MB
Type Icon - Stock X Webflow Template

tired, woman, bed, smartphone, scrolling, exhaustion, digital overload, young adult, technology, bedroom, relaxation, fatigue, lifestyle, sleep disturbance, female, rest, overuse, phone, lifestyle, casual, comfort, screen time, wellbeing, stress, preoccupied, home, technology use, restlessness, technology addiction, bedtime, leisure, health, distracted, connectivity, browsing, mental health, comfort, disconnection, social media, digital era, insomnia, relaxation, mental wellbeing, sleep pattern, habit, personal space